I am finding it very hard to not work in colour and miss seeing what my drawings will look like on black backgrounds - so I let myself have one indulgence and did this with chalks on black paper. It is a very different process drawing for designs and drawing to be life like and I'm still learning these techniques.
Below are sketches of Peonies and Roses to use for printing. Inspired by the Columbia road market photographs. I have to do many more of these sketches so I'm ready to use them for prints but these are the best so far.
These drawings are from a little while ago but I keep coming back to them as I like the building up of layers and having a background to the flowers. I looked at few of my flatmates plates as inspiration but also a beautiful Paul Smith dress where he has cropped together different fabrics. On the short course I did at Central St. Martins I learnt that you have to do lots of initial sketches even before you start thinking about colour so that's what I have been concentrating on.
The drawing below is inspired by a Renee Mackintosh textile design - he was into some psychedelic designs in the 1920's ! so cool !